
90% of mortgage broker applications from the federal construction company «Malie etaji» are approved.


A bright and comfortable home is the dream of most city dwellers. To make it a reality, many take out mortgages, but things don't always go smoothly: clients may be denied or not receive the amount they were hoping for.



Worried that the bank will approve a smaller amount than needed? If you're a client of «Malie etaji» cast aside your doubts.


Last month, a family came to the Krasnoyarsk office. They viewed floor plans, went on a tour, chose their dream home, and independently submitted documents for a mortgage. They had already begun planning the interior finishing when the bank approved an amount less than needed – 4,600,000 instead of 6,000,000.


The clients had decided to give up on their dream and choose a cheaper option. However, we were able to convince them of the reality of approval for the necessary amount. Mortgage brokers analyzed the application and found the most advantageous program, studying all the requirements of the banks. As a result, the client obtained their dream home at favorable interest rates.


What's the secret? It lies in the professionalism of the mortgage broker team at FСС «Malie etaji» who specialize in lending specifically in the field of individual housing construction. Their experience working with different banks, a clear understanding of their requirements and conditions, helps to determine the strategy for obtaining approvals most accurately.


"A similar example occurred in Perm. With «Malie etaji» clients managed to get 2.5 million more in the same bank than when applying independently," says Alena Krijanovskaya, head of the mortgage credit department of the federal construction company «Malie etaji»


90% of mortgage broker applications are approved by banks. Only a passport and SNILS are required for the application, and a decision will be made within 3 working days, and in some cases on the same day.


Our brokers will assist in obtaining the necessary amount for you and will see the deal through to completion absolutely free of charge. Choose your home and calculate your mortgage on the FСС «Malie etaji» website.