In 2023, the expert committee of the nomination dedicated to charitable projects included not only curators of charitable initiatives in Krasnoyarsk, but also leading entrepreneurs in Krasnoyarsk.
The Person of the Year 2023 award is reaching its peak: nomination experts are determining the shortlists and winners. The DK team has already held the first in-person voting, one of which was dedicated to the “Heart of Business” nomination.
In it, experts evaluate projects that can become an example and role model for various types of support: from helping seriously ill children and adults to promoting cultural, scientific and sports initiatives.
In 2023, the “Heart of Business” nomination brought together more than a dozen experts who nominated and evaluated projects. This year, the jury included both representatives of charitable organizations in Krasnoyarsk and leading businessmen who do not shy away from “helping” projects. Employees of large companies, in whose system charity has long been a mandatory item, also joined the commission.
The pool of experts in the “Heart of Business” nomination became as follows:
- Olga Abantseva, co-founder and press secretary of the Dobro24.ru charitable foundation;
- Irina Bilay, Head of PR, Center for Social Programs of RUSAL;
- Andrey Bolsunovsky, founder of the agrotourism cluster “Koza-Dereza Farm”, coordinator of the “People's Farmer” project in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, member of the Chamber of Environmental Organizations of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
- Sergey Kim, founder and head of TIKSAN GROUP;
- Nadezhda Maksimenko, head of the School of Regional Experts program, co-founder of the Interregional public organization Center for Development Technologies “Cooperation” in Krasnoyarsk;
- Anton Milyutin, manager of the Krasnoyarsk branch of Sberbank;
- Natalya Palchik, director of the Lyudmila Pimashkova Charitable Foundation, expert of the Krasnoyarsk Territory grant program “Social Partnership for Development”;
- Andrey Perfilov, founder of the Billion Club - the first business club of leading entrepreneurs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
- Galina Rozhkova, director of the Happy Children charity foundation;
- Tatyana Stankevich, founder and chairman of the Phoenix Charitable Foundation for Social Assistance and Rehabilitation of Citizens (Phoenix Charitable Foundation);
- Elena Fomina, director of the Interregional public organization Center for Developmental Technologies “Cooperation”;
- Nadezhda Tsoi, curator of the “Heart of Business” project TIKSAN GROUP;
- Marina Yakubenko, head of the animal center “Friend”.
The “Heart of Business” nomination lays down the cultural code of systemic charity in the business community. And this is very important, because it makes it possible to look at your business not only from a financial point of view, but also to see the value of the benefit. This is how human qualities are formed in each of the participants in these projects - empathy and the desire to bring benefit through practical deeds. And we ourselves learn from these examples,” says Sergey Kim, founder of TIKSAN GROUP.
Let us remind you that this year the co-founder of the nomination was the TIKSAN GROUP group of companies.
Therefore, the nomination received a new name, consonant with the charitable project “Heart of Business”: it functions as an endowment fund and supports the daily activities of several charitable organizations in Krasnoyarsk.