Sergey Kim claims to win the “Personal Brand Ambassador” nomination

Sergey Kim claims to win the “Personal Brand Ambassador” nomination
Sergey Kim claims to win the “Personal Brand Ambassador” nomination

The head of the international group of companies TIKSAN GROUP, Sergey Kim, was included in the short list of the “Personal Brand Ambassador” nomination for the “Person of the Year” award, held by the “Business Quarter” magazine.

It is a competition for entrepreneurs who have not only achieved success in business, but also know how to talk about their business in an interesting way, with benefit for the business and the audience, on social networks.

“Today it is impossible to do a successful business while remaining in the shadows,” says Sergey Kim. – The company brand needs to be strengthened with a personal brand. And this synergy produces the most impressive results.”

The head of TIKSAN GROUP daily shares life hacks and insights in his public pages. Conducts reports from business trips and forums. Interactive communication with the audience, vibrant visual content, and storytelling are attracting an increasing number of subscribers. He managed to become one of the most publicly visible entrepreneurs.

The winner of the award in the category “Personal Brand Ambassador” will be determined at the ceremony on December 7.

Last year, Sergey Kim, Nadezhda Tsoi and Nikolai Kim became winners in the “Family Business” nomination.

And this year, the international group of companies TIKSAN GROUP became the founder of the charity award, giving it the name of its project “Heart of Business”.