3rd Business breakfast with designers and architects

3rd Business breakfast with designers and architects
3rd Business breakfast with designers and architects

On March 30, the 3rd Business Breakfast with designers and architects took place - it was a unique event for everyone interested in modern trends in the field of construction and design. Guests of the event not only enjoyed a delicious breakfast in the cozy “Small Floors” showroom, but also received a lot of useful information from representatives of the TIKSAN GROUP group of companies.

The first speaker was the representative of FSK "Small Floors", which is engaged in the design and construction of low-rise buildings on a turnkey basis. He emphasized that their houses are highly energy efficient, environmentally friendly and durable. They are built using sip panel technology, which provide good heat and sound insulation, as well as resistance to moisture and fungus. Such houses are ideal for living in nature, away from city noise and smog.

The second speaker was a representative of the NANOFIBER company, which produces a unique window filter for the health of the whole family. He explained that their filter consists of nanofibers that are 0.05-0.1 microns in size. This prevents even viruses, dust, allergens and other harmful particles from entering the room. The filter is easily installed on any window and does not interfere with natural ventilation. It also protects against UV radiation and overheating.

The third speaker was a representative of the company Otopit.rf, which carries out complex work on the installation of heating systems. He said that they use only high-quality equipment from trusted suppliers and carry out work in compliance with all norms and standards. He also noted that they provide a guarantee on their work and maintenance of the system for the entire life of the system. He added that they can find the best heating option for any type of home and budget.

Everyone who attended the business breakfast received a lot of useful information. These products and services can significantly improve your quality of life and ensure safety in any environment.

We encourage everyone to pay attention to the next business breakfast, which will be held next month! You can also ask specialists your questions and get advice on topics that interest you.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to participate in a business breakfast and receive valuable information for your development! Register through our social networks or by calling 205-34-44