Alena Vasko is the first physical participant. face of the charity project "Heart of Business"!

Alena Vasko is the first physical participant. face of the charity project "Heart of Business"!
Alena Vasko is the first physical participant. face of the charity project "Heart of Business"!

Not only companies, but also individuals can take part in the “Heart of Business” charity project!

Alena Vasko is the first participant in the Heart of Business charity project to act as an individual! We know Alena firsthand. This is a sensitive girl with an open soul and a kind heart! Yesterday she transferred her help to the Heart of Business website, thereby opening the way for all individuals to participate in the project!

We thank Alena from the bottom of our hearts! And we believe that many people will follow Alena’s example and join our project. After all, together we can make the world kinder and better!

Which fund did Alena choose? Why this one? How did you even decide to take part in the project? Read further:

I learned about autism several years ago when I met Stephen Shore, a unique person who has come a long way from a child with autism to an international expert in the field of autism. Stephen not only accepted, but subjugated this diagnosis: he became a full-time teacher at Adelphi University and a freelance teacher at the School of Culture, Pedagogy and Human Development. M. and J. Steinardt, where he professionally studied the scientific phenomenon; gave public lectures, published many books, defended two doctoral dissertations in parallel, and became a world-class teacher and consultant on educational issues.

If in 2000, according to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of autism ranged from 5 to 26 cases per 10 thousand children, then in 2005 there was 1 case of autism per 250–300 newborns, and in 2008 1 case per 150 children. The disease is diagnosed more often in boys than in girls (1 in 42 people). According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 88 children has autism.

“Autism is a developmental disorder that affects a child’s ability to communicate with people around him. Although the severity of autism syndrome varies from child to child, it is characterized by impairments in three areas of functioning known as the Triad of Impairments:

social communication;
limited range of interests and actions.
The triad is always accompanied by repeated stereotypical actions."

“The spectrum of communication disorders is clearly shown as follows:

Lack of understanding that language is used as a means of communication and lack of enjoyment in using language to communicate. This applies even to those who have speech: they speak “at” people, not with them.
Lack of understanding that language is a means of transmitting information to others. They may ask for things for their own needs, but they find it difficult to talk about their feelings and thoughts, and also have difficulty understanding the feelings, emotions and thoughts of other people.
Poor understanding and insufficient use of vocal intonation, gestures, facial expressions, and body positions to communicate. Their gestures, intonation, and facial expressions are often strange and inappropriate.
Those with good language demonstrate a meticulous, literal understanding and use of words and phrases, limited in the content of speech."

Friendship with the Living Breath charity foundation in Krasnoyarsk, which supports children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), happened while working at TIKSAN GROUP. The sons of Yulia Gavrilyuk and Svetlana Piskun also have autism spectrum disorder. And the mothers of these guys devote a huge amount of time and effort to the Living Breath Foundation. They realized: there is no miracle cure for autism. Yes, this is a disease, but it is not a reason for inaction or shame. They view autistic children not as hopelessly disabled or aliens, but as children who simply need more attention.

Autism is a complex disorder that requires the help of neurologists, immunologists, psychiatrists, teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, speech pathologists and other specialists. When my colleagues and I arrived at the foundation, we were told that rehabilitation should be carried out in the early stages, the result depends on this. There is a high probability that a young autistic person will not become a completely healthy adult (although this is not excluded), but the future quality of his life, his ability to enjoy meaningful and useful activities, to be independent, and to share joy with other people largely depends on the current efforts of the Foundation "Living Breath" needs help. Until the end of May, the team participates in the city competition “Factory of People’s Initiatives.” They have already presented the “Different but Equal” project - a series of inclusive events. They have passed the selection process and must receive maximum votes by May 31st.

Just three simple steps:

Follow the link
Select: district - Kirovsky, initiative - Different but equal.
Submit your vote
I would be grateful for your participation, friends! Of course, they also need financial support, and my contribution is addressed to them.

What has already been done as part of the “Heart of Business” project?

Financial support - the TIKSAN GROUP company provided the fund with a certificate in the amount of 100,000 rubles.
Informational I support the screening of a cartoon about autistic children at the Cinema House.
Communication support - we are constantly in touch and take part in joint projects.
In a conversation, Yulia Gavrilyuk addressed important words to parents: “Take care of yourself. Your health and mental strength are your child’s main resource. Keep your children communicating, exchange information and experiences, join parent communities, read online resources. Don't be shy about accepting help, especially if you're just starting out. Over time, you too will be able to help.”

Friends, if you think about why we need social networks, my answer is: to help. Search and find solutions. Don't be shy to talk about it and ask if necessary.

There is a place for charity in every business and heart. Remember, for someone your courage is an example, your attention is a reward, your participation is salvation.”

We thank Alena Vasko for participating in the Heart of Business charity project!

We are glad that “Heart of Business” is becoming more accessible to everyone who is ready to make the world a better place!

Let's do good together!

The heart of Business is hearts that beat together!