A+ Club Business Roasting: an event for entrepreneurs with the participation of the founder of an international company, Sergey Kim.

A+ Club Business Roasting: an event for entrepreneurs with the participation of the founder of an international company, Sergey Kim.
A+ Club Business Roasting: an event for entrepreneurs with the participation of the founder of an international company, Sergey Kim.

A+ Club Business Roasting: an event for entrepreneurs with the participation of the founder of an international company, Sergey Kim.

On January 18, the TIKSAN GROUP Business Academy team held a business roasting event featuring the founder of the international company, Sergey Kim. It was an inspiring event where three different cases were discussed, and methods and approaches to business management were debated.

Participants of the event, as well as active residents of A+ Club, were able to develop individual strategies to take their companies to a new level. Each attendee was able to find answers to their questions and gain valuable insights and knowledge.

The mission of the business roasting, which aimed to impart true knowledge for development with the right values and a strong foundation, was fulfilled. Each attendee was able to find answers to their questions and gain valuable insights and knowledge.

A full breakdown of all cases will be released in a podcast format on the YOUTUBE platform in early February.