Forum of TIKSAN GROUP partner - Maxim Batyrev "Customers for life"

Forum of TIKSAN GROUP partner - Maxim Batyrev "Customers for life"
Forum of TIKSAN GROUP partner - Maxim Batyrev "Customers for life"

We are sure that in your life you have encountered poor service and disgusting attitude towards the Client. And this worries us very much, gnawing and worrying us.

Therefore, our partner Maxim Batyrev decided to create a large forum “Customers for Life”.

It will be held on May 27 in the concert hall of the Moscow government, where speakers have been invited who will tell you how to attract and retain customers so that they stay with your company for life.

The forum will be useful:

  • Leaders and managers of all areas: will be able to obtain high-quality knowledge and use proven tools for use in their industry;
  • Owners and entrepreneurs: will have the opportunity to learn from the experience of some of the best practitioners in Russia for a double increase in efficiency;
  • Managers at all levels: learn how to build better relationships with their Clients;
  • For sales managers: they will move two steps faster than your competitors;
  • Marketing and SMM specialists: will receive tools with which you can achieve excellent results;
  • Candidates for leadership positions: Prepare for a leadership position.

It will be as useful and practical as possible!
To find out more and purchase tickets, follow the link