How to choose a reliable construction company and avoid problems with unauthorized construction? Our advice!

How to choose a reliable construction company and avoid problems with unauthorized construction? Our advice!
How to choose a reliable construction company and avoid problems with unauthorized construction? Our advice!

Many clients want to build themselves.

Moreover, many bank programs allow clients to borrow money for construction on their own.

Such a benefit, at first glance, can turn into lost money.

Let's find out why?

  - Most houses built by self-builders lose 30 to 50 percent of their value after construction. This is because these homes are typically built to suit the owner's individual needs, making them unattractive when selling.

  - When wanting to build a private house “with your own hands,” serious mistakes are often made, which, at a minimum, increase the construction time by a couple of years, and sometimes, due to mistakes, the final cost of the project can increase significantly.

  - The building materials market is quite dynamic. And a person who builds 1-2 houses in his life does not have the opportunity to practically test materials and observe how they behave during construction and after. Therefore, when choosing building materials, private owners, as a rule, rely on brand recognition. And they often overpay, not knowing about similar products that are not inferior in quality, but can be much cheaper.

Today, the real estate market is moving from selling square meters to selling a product with a clear task and target audience. To create a project that will be popular and will grow in value over time, it is necessary to “depersonalize” it, depersonalize it.

This means that the project must be designed taking into account not only the needs of the owner, but also the preferences of a larger number of people, so that it is of interest to a wider audience and does not lose its value over time. Standard house construction copes well with this task.

Therefore, it is important to attract qualified specialists at various stages of project creation, and we have such in our team!