Quiz in the service of charity

Quiz in the service of charity
Quiz in the service of charity

On World Charity Day, which is celebrated on October 28, a charity music business quiz was held in Krasnoyarsk.

The good project was initiated by the international group of companies TIKSAN GROUP, which a year ago created the “Heart of Business” charity platform, uniting 9 funds. The organizers will direct the collected funds to these NGOs.

Charity intellectual games are a fairly common format in Russia. One of the main goals of such events is not just to collect financial assistance, but also to disseminate information about funds and instill a culture of charity. Before the start of the game, regular partners of the “Heart of Business” project shared their experience in charity. Fedor Kupryakov, founder of the BKteams community of entrepreneurs, believes that charity is one of the top tools for making a person successful. “The world begins to help him realize his wildest dreams, because he understands that such a person will do even more for this world.”

This year, World Charity Day coincided with Giving Tuesday: an event that takes place in Russia on the last Tuesday of November. On this day, millions of people tell how and whom they help. This tradition is already eight years old.

Anastasia and Ilya Ermilov, the founders of Ermilov's company, are systematically involved in charity work, spending part of the company's profits and their personal money on good deeds. The couple made donations to the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, whose activities are aimed at saving children and youth with diseases of the brain and spinal cord.

And then their children’s nanny fell ill, and the Ermilovs paid for her treatment. Now they are partners in the “Heart of Business” project, helping the “VMeste” foundation: a community of women who have united to help and support each other during cancer treatment.

Anastasia Ermilova is sure that charity should not be silent. “It’s important to talk about help; it’s not bragging, but incentive and information for others. Let as many people as possible be inspired by your example,” she urged the participants.

Anastasia herself is a top blogger; she has blogs about real estate, which she and her husband do. But she also talks on social networks about charitable projects.

And then the game began. 8 teams entered: TIKSAN GROUP employees supporting the project, philanthropists, and representatives of foundations.

Participants were treated to 2 hours of an exciting game of 6 rounds and 60 questions on musical topics. It was necessary to guess the songs of boomers, zoomers and Soviet hits, recognize the performers, and continue the lyrics of the hit. In general, a difficult test. The teams were even more happy when the answers were announced and they turned out to be correct. The atmosphere of intellectual excitement is what people love about quizzes.

“We spent the entire two hours racking our brains, having fun over our assumptions, even my facial muscles now hurt from laughing,” shares Tatyana Zolotareva, captain of the “Singing Hearts” team and head of the “VMeste” foundation. With this quiz, we showed those who are new to us that helping can be fun, and having fun can be meaningful.”

The winner of the quiz was the Bachata team, which scored 51 points. TIKSAN GROUP will turn each of them into 1000 rubles, that is, 51 thousand rubles will be transferred to the account of the “Heart of Business” project.

“The words of Robert Kiyosaki, who wrote the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” sank into my heart,” summed up Nadezhda Tsoi, head of the “Heart of Business” project. “When I see that people don’t smile at me, I just start smiling and telling them “ “hello” and as if by magic, more smiling people appear around me. It turns out that the world reflects you like a mirror.” So let's start with ourselves. And a community of entrepreneurs with kind hearts will begin to gather around us.”