Sergey Kim's Mastermind at A+ Club
On April 25th, Sergey Kim held the second mastermind session of the month for emerging businessmen. The focus of the session revolved around three main themes: team, strategy, and mindset.
Here are some key recommendations from the leader of the international group of companies TIKSAN GROUP, which were voiced during the meeting:
· The process is driven by a team of true specialists guided by a competent leader. Managers must be able to delegate tasks effectively.
· Business strategy is built on a grand billion-dollar goal, broken down into smaller achievable objectives. It is crucial to clearly define your niche and operate within it.
· Continuous learning is essential to stay afloat at the very least. 97% of knowledge is readily available and allows for smooth operation. Only 3% represents novelty, which leads to breakthroughs.
Sergey Kim addressed colleagues' questions and proposed solutions to each of their inquiries. It is believed that all participants took away valuable information from the meeting applicable to their future work endeavors.
The date of the next event will be announced on social media channels. Follow the link to stay updated: https://t.me/tiksangroup2025