The international group of companies TIKSAN GROUP will become the founder of the “Person of the Year” award nomination

The international group of companies TIKSAN GROUP will become the founder of the “Person of the Year” award nomination
The international group of companies TIKSAN GROUP will become the founder of the “Person of the Year” award nomination

The international group of companies TIKSAN GROUP will become the founder of the nomination, which rewards companies that systematically engage in charity.

Starting in September, the founders of the nominations will join the “Person of the Year” - for example, “Good Deed of Business” will be supported by TIKSAN GROUP. Moreover, in 2023 the nomination will receive a name identical to the company’s main charitable project - “Heart of Business”.

“Heart of Business” is a project that is designed to serve as an endowment fund and support the daily life of charitable organizations. For them, covering regular expenses is no less important than targeted targeted assistance: this way the funds get the opportunity not to suspend activities and maintain their regularity.

In addition, Sergey Kim, founder and head of TIKSAN GROUP, donates 10% of his earnings to charitable purposes: this is how he conveys his personal example and the practice of his own business. One of the most important goals for the company is to spread the idea of business charity, and, by its own example, to spread the role model of systemic assistance.

The “Heart of Business” project is directly supervised by Nadezhda Tsoi. Through her efforts, the collected assistance is distributed to the funds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: “Search for Missing Children”, “69th Parallel”, “Krasnoyarsk Without Orphans”, “Together Against Cancer”, “Homeless Dog”, “RO VORDI”, “Mother’s House”, “Step” step by step towards your dream”, “Living Breath”.

Traditionally, experts evaluate not so much the amount invested by a particular company in charity. The key assessment factors are:



cooperation with funds that have transparent reporting.

This is not the first time that TIKSAN GROUP has joined the award. So, in 2022, the company became a co-founder of the “Person of the Year”. At the same time, Sergei Kim, Nadezhda Tsoi and Nikolai Kim were chosen as winners of the “Family Business” nomination - this direction was new for “Person of the Year”.

The award has entered the stage of active preparation. Currently, long and short lists are being formed in 15 areas. The winners, whom experts in each nomination consider most worthy, will be announced on December 7.