Why are Mortgage Rates increasing?

Why are Mortgage Rates increasing?
Why are Mortgage Rates increasing?

Why Are Mortgage Rates increasing?

In recent years, the Central Bank of Russia has expressed concern about the potential emergence of a mortgage bubble. The government has been actively subsidizing mortgage programs to make home purchases accessible to a larger number of citizens. As a result, many mortgage loans were issued at extremely low rates, ranging from 0.1% to 1%, while market rates were 8-9%.

What should you do? – Our mortgage brokers suggest considering Individual Housing Construction (IHC).
In such a situation, it is important to seek alternative and advantageous options. Our mortgage brokers from "Malye Etazhi" recommend paying attention to individual housing construction (IHC).
• Cost Savings on Square Meter Price: The cost per square meter of a house is significantly lower than that of an apartment. This allows for substantial savings on the total cost of housing.
• Clean Air and Comfortable Environment: IHC offers the opportunity to live in environmentally clean areas, away from the hustle and pollution of the city.
• Low-Rate Rural Mortgage: The rate for rural mortgages remains unchanged at just 3%. This makes IHC an even more attractive option for those looking to purchase housing on favorable terms.

To take advantage of the rural mortgage, it is necessary to choose a land plot that qualifies for the program. Specialists at FSK "Malye Etazhi" have already compiled a registry of such plots, which significantly simplifies the selection and documentation process.

However, this program may also undergo changes, so we advise not to delay. Don’t miss the opportunity to acquire housing on favorable terms. Contact FSK "Malye Etazhi," and they will help you find the ideal plot and arrange an affordable mortgage. Live in your own home from FSK "Malye Etazhi," and enjoy clean air and comfort. Visit our website – https://malie-etaji.ru/krasnoyarsk