Journey into the World of Business: Results of the A+ Club Business Tour to Moscow

Journey into the World of Business: Results of the A+ Club Business Tour to Moscow
Journey into the World of Business: Results of the A+ Club Business Tour to Moscow

Journey into the World of Business: Results of the A+ Club Business Tour to Moscow


From May 15-17, participants of the A+ Club business accelerator set out to gain experience from federal companies. The business tour included a packed itinerary with visits to the city of Dobrograd, the Askona production facility, and the headquarters of

The tour began with an excursion through the modern and picturesque city of Dobrograd, showcasing how dreams can turn into reality, creating comfortable living and working conditions.

The next item on the agenda was a meeting with the founder of the city and Askona, Vladimir Sedov. His inspiring speech and responses to participants' questions illuminated many aspects of his vision for the future and the strategies that helped achieve such impressive results.


"Thank you for the mental boost and interesting conversations. After such a trip, the world will not be the same for me; my goals will be different and my thoughts will be broader," shared Oleg Denisov, a business tour participant, upon returning from the trip.


Next, there was a meeting with the top management of Askona Life Group, where they discussed modern management approaches and innovations being implemented in the company. This was a unique opportunity to hear how a large business adapts to the challenges of the times and maintains market leadership. Tour participants visited the Askona production facility to see how high-quality products are created and learned about the advanced technologies used in manufacturing.

The evening concluded with a cozy dinner, which provided a perfect opportunity for networking. Participants of the business accelerator got to know each other better, exchanged ideas, and established new business connections. A highlight was Kirill Fomichev's master class, "Connections and Partnerships: Capitalization, not Monetization of Connections," where we learned the importance of building and maintaining business relationships and how these connections can become a true asset in business.

The third day was dedicated to visiting, one of the market leaders in tools and equipment. The tour of the company and the meeting with Viktor Kuznetsov provided insights into how business is conducted on such a large scale and what innovations are applied for its development.

The seminar "Company Life Cycles According to the Adizes Methodology" was the final event of the tour. Participants explored the various stages of company development and learned how to manage a business at each stage to achieve sustainable growth.


"Thank you all for the energy! A powerful trip with a sea of insights," shared Rashid Shamsuvaliev, a business tour participant.


Business tours are a source of valuable information, inspiration, and effective networking. Engaging with the founders of leading companies and touring modern production facilities help to gain high-quality experience. All of this contributes to the broad perspective that Sergey Kim and Nikita Blednov share at A+ Club business accelerator events.

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