Sergey Kim became Person of the Year 2023 according to the Delovoy Kvartal publication

Sergey Kim became Person of the Year 2023 according to the Delovoy Kvartal publication
Sergey Kim became Person of the Year 2023 according to the Delovoy Kvartal publication

On December 7, the long-awaited ceremony of summing up the results of the most anticipated award of this year took place.

The winner of the unusual nomination 2023 was Sergey Kim, head of the international group of companies TIKSAN GROUP.

This year, Sergei Kim was ahead of many in different areas. The company launched a large charity project “The Heart of Business”. Conducted several international forums for entrepreneurs “Leader Code”. This project is especially close to the Delovoy Kvartal publication, as it has become a platform that unites businesses. A platform where entrepreneurs share their experiences. The company has launched an international office in Korea and is developing new directions. Invests in his team. This includes corporate sports and corporate training.

In general, TIKSAN GROUP lives by the philosophy of serving its customers and being open to the world. Shares insights, experience, knowledge, success. All this is very close to the “Business Quarter,” emphasized Yulia Chanchikova, publisher and founder of the award.

Recognition is responsibility. And now TIKSAN GROUP understands that we need to move on and launch even more projects and directions that are useful for people.