How many volunteers do you need?

How many volunteers do you need?
How many volunteers do you need?

Tiksan Auto is the curator of the CROO "Search for Missing Children" under the leadership of Oksana Aleksandrovna Vasilishina, who participate in the charity project "Heart of Business".

Over the 10 years of work at the CRPO "Search for Missing Children - Krasnoyarsk", a team of volunteers has already been formed, but there are still always not enough of them. Someone leaves, someone comes, someone burns out and cannot help but turn on emotions when they see the experiences and pain of relatives who have lost a person. It happens that several searches take place simultaneously, in the city and in the forest.

Volunteers are needed, people over 18 years old for:
-search in the forest,
-urban searches,
-lecturers at schools,
- coordinators,
- group info,
- first aid.
And these people, of course, must initially be trained. This is precisely why the “School of Volunteers” is so needed.

If you feel the strength and desire, then you first need to fill out the form that is in the VKontakte group “Search for Missing Children”, choose which direction interests you most and accordingly you will be added to the chat, trained and only then will you be allowed directly to the activities of the fund.

We ask you to treat this information responsibly, think carefully, evaluate your resources and only then apply.

In general, I would really like the planned “School of Volunteers”, with all the necessary equipment, to start its work faster. The professionalism and speed of searches depends on this.

Join the charity project "Heart of Business".

Do good, it always comes back, open your hearts, share reposts, talk about the project.
And let's together set a record for good deeds from the Krasnoyarsk Territory.