SMART CORE TIKSAN GROUP is a new company - a participant in the charity project "Heart of Business"

SMART CORE TIKSAN GROUP is a new company - a participant in the charity project "Heart of Business"
SMART CORE TIKSAN GROUP is a new company - a participant in the charity project "Heart of Business"

Together we move towards our dreams

In recent years, Krasnoyarsk has made great progress in terms of accessibility. For people with disabilities, there are gyms where the necessary conditions have been created. Theatres, banks, social institutions, many cafes, buses and trolleybuses are equipped with ramps. An accessibility map for city events has been created for which Krasnoyarsk residents with disabilities can receive free or discounted tickets. This is largely the merit of the organizer of the social project “Step by step to a dream” Natalya Kaptelinina and her team, who strive for this accessible environment and equal opportunities. It brings together 630 people who have years of struggle with illness behind them, but who dream of an active life and strive for it.

But even strong-willed people need support. “We are lucky that the TIKSAN GROUP company invited us to the “Heart of Business” project,” says Olga Shikunova, Chairman of the Board of “Step by Step to the Dream”. “And it’s not just that we are supported financially, the guys from the company’s IT department gave us a lot of human warmth, care, knowledge, and promotion of the social project. It costs a lot".
And now the story of how charity entered the life of the IT department team of the international group of companies TIKSAN GROUP, which oversees the “Step by Step to a Dream” foundation in the “Heart of Business” project. They recently transferred money on the project website.

“We simply could not stay away from the Heart of Business project.” And not only because its organizer is TIKSAN GROUP, we fully share the values ​​transmitted in the project and in the company itself. There are interesting coincidences that cannot be called anything other than fate. When it was decided who would supervise which fund, we and the HR department first got one NPO. And subsequently the IT department was assigned the project “Step by Step to the Dream.” And it turned out that we have a lot of mutual acquaintances with the leaders of this NGO. Specifically, I, the head of the IT department, have a school friend with disabilities who actively participates in the events of this particular foundation. Now we can no longer imagine our lives without such different stories of our charges. When you let such heart-warming aspects of charity into your own life, such as the accessibility of public places, the need to find a lost child, helping homeless animals, this seed literally grows in you. And it is simply not possible to stand by.

For those who are just wondering whether to engage in charity, the answer is: yes. The only thing I want to say is that any help must be sincere. If you expect life to immediately thank you a hundredfold, then no. Most likely, it will go unnoticed. But that’s not why you’re helping, is it? If you have any doubts, don’t worry, we will do everything to ensure that your help reaches the final recipient.
There is no need to be shy about even small, as it may seem, amounts. After all, even this may be enough to save someone or change someone’s life, to help them take a step towards their dream.”