Why does business need corporate sports? This topic was discussed by the head of the TIKSAN GROUP Business Academy, Nikita Blednov, at a business session organized by the Delovoy Kvartal publication as part of the presentation of the Yudinskaya Valley eco-park and the international student golf competition Yudinskaya Valley Cup. It was also attended by the Minister of Sports of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Denis Petrovsky and representatives of the sports industry.
The discussion participants focused on discussing such issues as how corporate sports influences the development of an HR brand and develops loyalty to the company’s values; why companies invest in sports programs; Does sport allow employees to unlock their potential? They shared their cases of supporting corporate sports. For example, the offices of some large companies have their own gyms, others rent them for team training, many employers offer payment for part of an annual subscription to a fitness club or a corporate card as part of their social package. And some even have their own internal “currency” that employees can spend, including on sports. Some companies go further and form their own sports teams, take part in competitions or organize them themselves.
TIKSAN GROUP has created the “TIKSAN SPORT” direction, where 50 employees work. 15 people who strive for the highest achievements and represent the company at major competitions were included in the "TIKSAN SPORT PRO" project. In July, we completed the half-iron distance in the Bronze Horseman triathlon race: swimming stage 1.9 km, cycling stage 90.1 km, running 21.1 km.
Nikita Blednov, who arrived at the event after finishing the 21 km distance of the “Heat” race, put a bright point in the discussion. Having completed the half marathon distance, he was full of energy and plans for the day. And he managed to convey this energy to the audience. The head of the “Business Academy” TIKSAN GROUP formulated, using his own example, what problems corporate sports helps solve, and why this area should be developed not only by business giants, but also by small enterprises.
Easy adaptation in a team. Participating in joint training sessions or races is a great chance to quickly get to know your colleagues. Nikita Blednov himself came to the company after working remotely. And sport became the boost for him that helped him become part of the team.
Team building.
At TIKSAN GROUP, many employees are fond of triathlon. This sport requires you to devote a lot of time to it - before the competition, training took place 6 times a week. Therefore, corporate sports help to unite both on the sports field and at work. Those who are ready to do triathlon are people with perfect time management.
Goal setting. For many in work and life, this is a declining skill. But in sports there is a clear goal: to run a distance in a certain time. And when a person experiences this in running and triathlon, he begins to transfer it to other areas of life.
Sport gives energy. The ability to create your energy, understand it and manage it is the first and most important argument why we talk about the benefits of playing sports.
Nurturing the spirit of champions through sporting achievements.
“My point A was last April, when I ran 4 km in 35 minutes, and for 2 days after that I felt bad. Now 4 km is just a warm-up. In September I will compete at a distance of 42 km,” shares Nikita Blednov. And you begin to think: if you are physically capable of this, then you can also, for example, sell goods and services worth 20 million at work. Sport expands consciousness."
In the Heat Krasmarathon, our team has held corporate leadership for the second year: 24 employees covered a distance of 21.1 km, 13 people ran 10 kilometers. 12 children of employees took part in a 2-kilometer race.
“Behind me is a powerful, strong, pumped-up team of leaders, with whom any task can be accomplished,” commented the company’s CEO Sergei Kim on the result of the race.
Our company has set an ambitious goal - to enter the top 200 of the Forbes list in 2025.